Guidabolla per film estrusi a soffio

       Bubble cages for blown films

              Cestas de guía para film soplado


CC Series

· Traditional Systems with single IRIS. The mechanical system set with 2 or 3 levels only.

· NOT Interchangeable Guides. Arms are built in one piece up to size 3000 bigger sizes in sections. Guides either with cylinders or segmented bushings.

· The arm is done with a tubular support holding guides. The tube is not cold-bent but cut and welded to ensure a correct angle and precise alignment of guiding arms.

· Guiding Levels 2-3. For centering and not for guiding a number of 2-3 levels are adequate.

· The geometry of this simple construction is based on 4/6/8 shafts according to dimensions.

· Dimensions: ALL series and any guide.

Bmec c/o Sanplast - Busto Arsizio / Italy T. +39 0331-340523  F. +39 0331-354588  email:  web:

Rettangolo arrotondato: CC / one piece
Rettangolo arrotondato: CC / Vertical Regulation

Vertical  Positioning not applicable.


We can supply brackets for installation or more convenient to use several free holes available on the upper ring.

One piece and square shape up to size 3000 Layflat.

Rettangolo arrotondato: CC / XL in sections

In sections and octagon shape for sizes above 3000 Layflat.

Rettangolo arrotondato: BUBBLE CAGES
Rettangolo arrotondato: GUIDING SYSTEMS
Rettangolo arrotondato: OPTIONS
Rettangolo arrotondato: BUBBLE SCREENS
Rettangolo arrotondato: Q&A
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series CM
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series LS
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series LC
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series CC
Rettangolo arrotondato: TECH HELP