Bmec c/o Sanplast - Busto Arsizio / Italy T. +39 0331-340523  F. +39 0331-354588  email:  web:

Guidabolla per film estrusi a soffio

       Bubble cages for blown films

              Cestas de guía para film soplado


Bubble Cages / Baskets / Calibrators /  etc.

Several names are commonly used to indicate our product.

Also mechanical systems can vary a lot. The most common geometry is based on the IRIS principle. Shafts holding supporting arms pivoted on the ring: “swivel” movement is the concept. We use systems with single and double IRIS.

All our cages can install IBC sensors on moving arms.


Series CM

(International Patent)

Double IRIS. Guides on interchangeable modules. Precision on center equivalent to a scissor cage with a deviation from center 0° max 0,38°

Sizes of flat bubble from small 300mm to giant bubbled like 30Mt open foils.


Series LS

Single IRIS and interchangeable guides. Precision on center “standard” or deviation not exceeding

Sizes of flat bubble from small 100mm (also from 0) to 3800mm.


Series LC

Single IRIS like LS but no interchangeable guides and less dimensions. Precision on center “standard” or not above

Sizes of flat bubble from small 100mm (also from 0) to 3000mm.


Series CC

Centering Cages. Very simple structures and 2-3 levels only. To be used to keep bubble centered where necessary.

For all sizes and with all guide types.

Rettangolo arrotondato: BUBBLE CAGES
Rettangolo arrotondato: GUIDING SYSTEMS
Rettangolo arrotondato: OPTIONS
Rettangolo arrotondato: BUBBLE SCREENS
Rettangolo arrotondato: Q&A
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series CM
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series LS
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series LC
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series CC
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series CM
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series LS / LC
Rettangolo arrotondato: Series CC
Rettangolo arrotondato: TECH HELP